Teddy Durgin
The International Ticketing Association (INTIX) came up with a great hashtag in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic: #wewillhugagain. And, indeed, whether it’ll be at our annual conference and trade show in Anaheim next January or (hopefully) sooner, we will, as an industry, share warm embraces, firm handshakes and even the occasional high five again someday.
I’ve never considered myself a “touchy-feely” kind of guy. But then this whole crisis hit, and you know what? I miss hugging my friends, family and close colleagues! I miss shaking hands! That’s all stopped for now as we social distance, self-quarantine, shelter in place and generally wave at each other across the street or remotely over Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.
So, what are the affection-starved to do? As always, I look to the movies for answers, and I usually find them. Over the years, there have been many on-screen hugs and handshakes that have lingered in my mind long after the closing credits have rolled. So, I’ve compiled the below list of my 10 Favorite Movie Hugs and my Five Favorite Movie Handshakes. And, yes, there are some darn good rentals/pay-per-views below to check out for however long we’re all still holed up.
Here goes:
10 Favorite Movie Hugs
- I can’t think of a greater, more emotional movie hug than Elliott (Henry Thomas) and E.T.’s farewell in “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.” Just my opinion, but there’s more genuine emotion in that one moment between a child actor and a rubbery, animatronic puppet than in the entirety of this past year’s Best Picture nominees.
- I’ve always admired John McClane (Bruce Willis) and Sgt. Al Powell’s (Reginald Vel Johnson) big, emotional clinch (at the 1:24 mark of this clip) upon finally meeting face to face at the end of the original “Die Hard.” This is exactly how I am going to hug people I haven’t seen in a while when this is all over.
- By the end of “The Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy (Judy Garland) was a hugging fool. And her “I think I’ll miss you most of all” embrace of the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger) is for all time.
- And, of course, when you have a movie as classic as “The Wizard of Oz,” it’s ripe for parody. The underrated 1984 Zucker brothers’ comedy “Top Secret!” did a great job skewering Dorothy’s assembly line of farewell affection in its final scene (beginning at the 1:51 mark here).
- “It’s not your fault.” “Yeah, I know that.” “Look at me, son. It’s not your fault.” “Yeah, I know.” “Will, it’s not your fault … It’s not your fault … it’s not your fault.” “Don’t ^&%* with me, Sean!” “It’s not your fault!” Oh, man. “Good Will Hunting” gets you good with that amazing, scream-teary hug between Will and Sean at the conclusion of Will’s therapy. I so miss Robin Williams.
- Speaking of scream-teary hugs, few beat Lloyd and Harry’s “Just let it out” embrace in “Dumb & Dumber.”
- OK, you want one more scream-teary hug? One more that will “get you in the feels.” I present to you the father-daughter “invisible cloak” hug from “Crash.”
- Then, there are those hugs that are better left … well … un-hugged. Like Buddy’s ill-fated, cross-species attempt in “Elf.”
- But some cross-species hugs do work and are welcome, especially Wookiee hugs.
- There are so many great movie hugs that I could have gone with for my No. 10. I pick the one that gets me every time. Oscar Schindler’s (Liam Neeson) breakdown at the end of “Schindler’s List” at the realization he could have saved even more lives, and the group embrace he receives as he crumbles to the ground.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers in "Predator."
5 Favorite Movie Handshakes
- My absolute favorite movie handshake will forever be the epic bro-shake that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch and Carl Weathers’ Dillon share in the original 1987 “Predator.” The shot of the two men’s biceps bulging as they squeeze each other’s hands harder and harder is one of the great moments in macho movie history. Man, the testosterone that was flowing in those great ’80s flicks!
- A distant second is Charlie Sheen and Cary Elwes’ hilariously competitive handshake in 1991’s “Hot Shots.” The testosterone that still flowing in the ’90s!
- There’s that brief sequence in “The Fast and the Furious 6” where Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s FBI agent resorts to what I call “handshake torture” to compel a smug London security official to give him direct access to the city’s live camera feeds:
- I’ve always loved the scene in “Jaws” where Roy Scheider’s stressed-out Chief Brody meets Richard Dreyfuss’ Matt Hooper for the first time and the warm handshake he gives him at the 2:44 mark of this clip.
- Lastly, a sentimental choice. A little preteen Lindsay Lohan’s heartwarming handshake and dance with Simon Kunz’s Martin in “The Parent Trap.” (There are actually two such shakes in the film, but this is my favorite.)
Of course, nothing beats an actual bear hug or firm handshake. But until that time comes when we can all reconnect in person, the above movies will have to do. #wewillhugagain
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