AR Post (09/21/32) Joehnig, Jon
The Ready Player Golf charity golf tournament is betting that virtual reality (VR) is a effective fundraising tool, and is the first VR sports event of its kind. The Sept. 25-26 event benefits Doctors Without Borders, and is organized by Esports Fundraisers and the VR/AR Association. The tournament will utilize XR animation software from Tvori, the ENGAGE VR training and education platform, and VR sports experience Pro Putt by Topgolf. Those interested in participating registered individually or in teams of up to four with a minimum contribution of $100 per player, and individuals will be grouped into teams with other independent registrants. After a training period before the tournament, players will play a round of nine holes, estimated to take 30 to 45 minutes. "This is the first event of many others like it that we have planned, and we would love for this to be a staple kickoff for these events," said event organizer Sophia Moshasha with the VR/AR Association's Washington, D.C. chapter. "This is really going to be used as a baseline and starting point going forward."
Read the full story from AR Post.