Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) (09/06/21) Boulton, Martin
More than 400 Australian performers have partnered with live entertainment industry leaders on a national campaign urging vaccination against COVID-19. The #VaxTheNation Campaign began Sept. 6 on television, aiming to achieve 80% vaccination to reopen Australia's entertainment sector. Heading the campaign is the Live Industry Venues and Entertainment (LIVE) Alliance, in coordination with artists and bands including Jimmy Barnes, Midnight Oil, Ocean Alley and G Flip. "The impact of the pandemic on Australia's world-leading music, theater, comedy and live entertainment industries has been truly devastating," stated LIVE Alliance members. "Getting vaccinated is the crucial step fans can take which will allow us to join together and enjoy the unbeatable magic of live performance once again." The campaign primarily concentrates on people who attend live entertainment, while musician Mark Seymour said, "The more vaccinated we are, the bigger crowds can be and the sooner live music can get back on its feet. Please consider the artists you love and the thousands of workers who make the gigs happen. Show your support and get it done."
Read the full story from the Sydney Morning Herald (Australia).