Pollstar (11/01/19) Gottfried, Gideon
Clarifi Media subsidiary Festyvent, a provider of white-labeled apps to festival organizers and promoters, has launched new safety features including Safe@Festival, which will let audience members notify friends of their exact location if they feel sick or vulnerable. Friends will then be able to monitor senders live for one hour on a Google map. Additional features include the SmartMap app, which promises fans "an accurate geographical location, better orientation, and sense of direction on the festival ground." SmartMap overlays a custom-drawn map on a real map, supporting a festival-country space with customizable pins, which can be tied to a brand or location to open the relevant screen when pressed. "We are convinced that this new feature will help people to feel Safe@Festival and enjoy what they came for — the music, the experience and the festival vibe!" said Clarifi Media CEO David Jacobs. Also drawing attention is the Share your Schedule feature, through which attendees can share their schedules with friends by allowing the festival or performing artists to establish a curated journey across the event. These apps will collect data on audience preferences and interests of vital importance to producers and programmers. Festyvent also says its multi-app scheme offers promoters of multiple events the potential to cross-sell events through an App structure, "which can be updated dynamically without the need to release a new app for each festival season."
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