Music Week (12/05/17) by James Hanley
Eventbrite is expanding its partner network by integrating with national event guide The List, festival package provider Festicket, word-of-mouth ticket sales platform Verve, and brand ambassador software Ticketrunner. "Eventbrite is committed to providing an open platform that seamlessly connects with leading third-party services that help our organizers sell more tickets," says Eventbrite's Katie McPhee. "Distribution and integration partners like The List, Festicket, Verve, and Ticketrunner augment our world-class platform with innovative technology solutions, helping us solve the unique challenges of the 600,000-plus event creators that use Eventbrite around the world each year." Evenbrite says that thanks to these integrations, event organizers can now surface their event to more potential attendees at no additional cost, easily offer personalized travel and accommodation packages for festival attendees, and add viral marketing and sales capabilities to their promotion campaigns. "This new integration with Eventbrite gives festival promoters an easy way to build travel and accommodation packages that they can offer to their fans alongside an Eventbrite festival ticket, for a hassle-free trip," notes Festicket CEO Zack Sabban.
Read more on the Music Week website.