South China Morning Post (05/18/20)
Many patrons will be beyond delighted when theater doors reopen, however digital theater will likely continue to be preferable to some audiences. These consumers may choose to continue viewing live streams due to cost, convenience and/or lingering concerns about COVID-19. A recent LA Theater Speaks panel hosted by LA Center Theater Group expressed enthusiasm but caution at the prospect of creating content for online platforms. For Yuval Sharon with the Industry opera company, the challenge is to produce "work that does not feel like it's an apology" for being unable to hold live gatherings. Meanwhile, Fountain Theater artistic director Stephen Sachs said digital initiatives should prioritize community over content, with dynamic participation between artists and fellow audience members paramount. Theater leaders also need to realize that streaming and other digital platforms must be considered on their own terms. Geffen Playhouse associate artistic director Amy Levinson called for openness to the way digital tools, like projection, can be integrated even after live theater resurges. It is additionally necessary to weigh how digital theater will likely continue to be preferable to audiences, not only in terms of expense and convenience, but in terms of their comfort with the medium during the present crisis.
Read the full story from the South China Morning Post.